
Startup with TikTok|探索TikTok相关的创业机会|Startup Grind广州 x 欧西科创空间

Sat, 13 Aug 2022 14:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 13 Aug 2022 17:00:00 GMT+08
Startup Grind创业磨坊广州


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    Startup Grind Guangzhou

    Panel Discussion Speaker

    沈杰文 WEN




    TikTok live-streaming presenter. 

    Been working with various products in different markets.

    TikTok presenter trainer and consultant

    Established her own DTC back in 2008 in fashion accessories in the Scandinavian market

    Been working with product procurement, productions, shipping and more

    Wen has always acted as a bridge between the East and the West. Currently, she's into the TikTok live-streaming world, connected with cross-border e-commerce, in the UK, US and been looking into the potentials in the Southeast Asian markets, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. She's well-connected with the TikTok ecosystem in China and has joined the ride early on, therefore, she has witnessed the development of TikTok in China. Due to that connection, she's getting more and more into the Chinese live-streaming as well. She's here to share a thing or two about TikTok.


    Elisa Yazidi

    ​Content Marketing Manager

    Google Ads Experience Center(Guangzhou)


    • Marketing speaker for MadeinChina.com

    • 6 years of international marketing experience 

    • 3 years of marketing experience at a cross-border e-commerce company (Banggood)

    • Bachelor's & Master's Degrees related toChinese language & economics

    • Co-coordinator of the Young Professionals Network for the CICC (China-Italy Chamberof Commerce)

    • Vice President of Public Relations for the Guangzhou Elite Toastmasters Club

    • Won the award for the Best Manager (2021) and the Best Customer Experience (2017)

    • Fluent in 3 languages, proficient in 2

    • Freelance working on 2 clients' projects for overseas and Chinese digital marketing


    Javen Cheng

    Startup Grind广州社区主理人


    目前运营着全球最大创业社区Startup Grind广州分部,通过线下活动、工作坊、podcast等方式帮助大湾区创业者在品牌出海、消费者品牌塑造等领域获得盈利增长。

    过去积累了大量媒体与创业投资的相关工作经验。在2022年,Javen整合了粤港澳大湾区产业资源,启动了「Pre-Acceleration Program大湾区品牌出海孵化计划」,致力于帮助大湾区创业者通过孵化计划的辅导,逐步稳健地走向海外市场,甚至成为下一个超级独角兽企业。

    EVENT INFO 活动介绍

    时间: 2022年8月13日(周六)2:00pm - 5:00pm


    语言: 中文 / 英文







    Time: August, 13, 2022 (Saturday), 2:00pm - 5:00pm

    Location: OUXI Space, No.239 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China

    Language: Chinese & English

    Anti-Epidemic Measures:

    Please show the green code when you sign in.

    Face masks are required.

    If you left Guangdong recently, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND THE EVENT.

    Contact the organizer, and we will refund the ticket for you. Tel: 13060601603

    AGENDA 活动安排

    1:30 pm-2:00 PM 签到 Sign-in

    2:00 pm -2:15 pm Startup Grind开场介绍 Opening Intro 

    2:15 pm -2:30 pm 场地方 / 合作伙伴介绍 Venue & Co-organiser Intro

    2:30 pm-3:30 PM 英文访谈环节 Fire-side Chat in English

    3:30 pm-4:30 PM 中文圆桌讨论环节 Panel Discussion in Chinese

    4:00 pm-5:00 PM 自由交流+资源链接 Networking 

    To gather more amazing people to join our community, we will have English Fireside Chat Session and Chinese Panel Discussion at the event.

    Startup Grind活动致力于构建更好的创业者交流平台,因此我们鼓励参与者能够在活动中认识新朋友,以便于以后互相帮助。

    About Co-Organizer


    欧西科技作为一家专注轻资产赛道的资管企业,聚焦企业服务,打造面向未来的办公生活一体化的产业 社区和高品质办公空间,并有针对性地提供运营管理服务,引领面向未来的工作生活空间新模式。 







         增值企业服务: 为企业提供一站式的企业服务,助力企业发展;




    About Organizer | 关于组织者

    Past Events | 往期活动

    Global Partnership | 全球合作伙伴

    Venture Capital Partnership


    • 亚洲数据集团

    • 是世界领先的创业投资、市场研究、媒体传播、囯际交流、 展览会议、体育文旅整合服务平台。公司1980年进入中国,以勇为先驱、 成就价值、敏锐洞察、创新应变为核心价值观,依托雄厚的国际资源,深 耕中国市场41年,积累了丰富的中西文化融合、共赢发展之经验,拥有广 泛而深入的政府关系和稳定创新的国际化专业团队。

    • 亚洲数据集团汲取在投资领域、政府关系、市场运营、媒体宣传上特有的广袤资源,设立亚洲数据集 团孵化器。目前,亚洲数据集团孵化器已落地广州、深圳、梅州等地区。

    • 亚洲数据集团深圳孵化中心分别位于深圳市前海梦工场、软件产业基地等地,旨在立足前海、携手港 澳、面向世界,撬动全球资源为粤港澳大湾区创新发展注入新动力。

    • 亚洲数据集团广州孵化中心位于广州市天河科贸园,是亚洲数据集团与广州市天河区共建项目,汇聚 亚洲数据集团产业研究、媒体推广、投融资等资源,加速培育具有成为行业独角兽潜力的高技术、高 成长的科技型创新企业。 

    • 亚洲数据集团产业育成中心广梅园旨在立足梅州,面向中国乃至世界全球资源及集团已有项目资源, 为梅州创新创业提供全方位加速赋能。 

    Key Partnership | 关键合作伙伴


    Special Partnership | 特约合作

    Community Partner | 社区合作伙伴


    Ladies Who Tech由从事STEM的女性发起并创立。通过挑战现状并帮助和鼓励更多的女性来发现自己在STEM领域的潜力并参与进来。我们希望提高社会对科技产业女性从业人员缺乏的认识,并帮助公司招聘更多的女性从事STEM行业进而提高公司的多元化。

    Ladies Who Techwas started by women who are in the STEM industries and believe in challenging the status quo by encouraging more women to assist and discover their potential in STEM. We want to raise awareness of the lack of women in the STEM industries and help companies to have more diversity.

    Partnership | 合作伙伴


    Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. We bring like-minded yet diverse individuals together to connect, learn, teach, help, build, and belong. We do this daily through our local events, flagship conferences, startup program, partnerships, and online media + content - collectively reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide.

    We are very thankful to all our local media partners, venue sponsors to support us in organizing our events. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to us! 

    Startup Grind是一个全球性的科技创业社区,由谷歌供能,致力于帮助企业家们相互学习、相互启发和资源交换。我们在超过600个城市,125个国家举办活动,每个月我们都会邀请到当地的企业创始人、创新者、教育者和投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创建公司的道路上所得到的经验和教训。 

    我们每月的炉边访谈、社交活动和年度会议都为大家提供了充足的机会,将那些优秀的初创公司和推动这些公司发展的人们联系在一起,开拓强大的支持网络,建成有意义的关系网和获得未来创业之路的灵感,访谈将通过社交媒体传播到世界各地创业者作为参考。想要了解更多信息,请访问 www.startupgrind.com  

    媒体报道 | Press 

     TechCrunch: 一个自给自足的创业者的搏击俱乐部

    “One might think of it as an entrepreneurial Elk’s Club or a national, self-sustaining of local affiliate networks … a la Fight Club.”


    “Aimed at creating relationships among entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, angel investors, incubators or just people looking for good ideas.”

    过往嘉宾 | Part of Our Past Speakers 

    螢幕截圖 2022-07-17 下午6.17.49.png


    Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. We bring like-minded yet diverse individuals together to connect, learn, teach, help, build, and belong. We do this daily through our local events, flagship conferences, startup program, partnerships, and online media + content - collectively reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide.

    Our Values

    We believe in making friends, not contacts. 

    We believe in giving, not taking. 

    We believe in helping others before helping yourself.

    We are very thankful to all our local media partners, venue sponsors to support us in organizing our events. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to us! 

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