"It's one thing to work well with members of your own culture. It's quite another to be able to work effectively cross-culturally, too." - James Picano, NASA Psychologist of Artemis Program.
“找到认知一致的同伴并与其融洽协作,是非常重要的能力;但今天,另一种能力也越来越受关注。那就是,如何跨越语境和立场的鸿沟,与不同文化(身份、背景)的人高效协作。” —— James Picano,NASA重返月球项目组宇航员心理评估师
以上简介,翻译自TEDxXardíndoPosío的持牌人Dani Dieguez的英文留言。如此深沉的国土情怀,深深打动了TEDx陆家嘴团队。我们非常荣幸能与这样热情而乐观的西班牙小伙伴共同开启美好的2020。同样,我们也期待您的加入。 GLOBAL TOPIC: The Future
2020年1月TED Circle全球主题
The Future
Selected TED Talk
The jobs we'll lose to machines and those we won't
by Anthony Goldbloom from TED2016
Machine learning isn't just for simple tasks like assessing credit risk and sorting mail anymore -- today, it's capable of far more complex applications, like grading essays and diagnosing diseases. With these advances comes an uneasy question: Will a robot do your job in the future?
活动信息TED Circles|co-hosted by TEDxLujiazui & TEDxXardíndoPosío Curators:Lydia Lin (China) & Dani Dieguez (Spain)Date:Jan 18th, 2020 Time: 16:30 - 19:30 (Beijing Time) Address: Steelcase China Office (Level 39, HKRI Center Tower 1, No. 288 Shimen 1st Road)(太古汇香港兴业中心1座39层)
Special thanks to Steelcase for the Venue support. Steelcase为协作办公空间提供设计服务与办公产品,是TED总部超过20年的合作伙伴。本次活动举办场地是Steelcase的上海灵感办公室,该项目获得WELL SILVER国际权威机构的认可,将为所有参与者创造一个开放、大胆的表达空间。